
Follow the progress of ACE teachers Miss Butler, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Harrington and Mr. Golightly as they visit Wuhou Foreign Language School in China.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Wuhou! China here we come!

After a week of tension and nerves building up, I think the enormity of what we are about to do hit us all today! I have been fairly calm about things but as I downloaded a few translated words earlier, a definite swell began to create a few choppy waves somewhere inside my head.

Lunchtime in the staff room saw a few strange conversations, especially as some of the staff were dressed as Snow White or the Fairy Princess, (No, it’s not normal behaviour, Key Stage 1 had held a Princess and Pirate day) but once we had finished talking about costumes, I did question the possibility of being able to play footy with the kids in China. At one point I was quite alarmed as I think golf got a mention too, well, I think it was golf, as I heard Miss Harrington mention something about wedges, although she could have been talking about shoes I suppose.

Anyway, just one more sleep and we’re off. I will try to blog as often as I can, and as you can see from the previous post, Mrs. Thompson has managed to get posting now too. I will see if I can get Miss Butler and Miss Harrington started too.

Talking of posting, it’s nice to see so many of you making comments on the blog, and even better to see we now have our first followers – and one of them is all the way from Spain too! I hope you all please keep posting, it’s great to read your comments.


  1. Tried to post a comment but think I messed up so I'll try again. Just to say have a wonderful time in China. I'll be thinking of you - have lots of fun and I'll follow your blog closely. Look forward to hearing all about life over there.
    Susan x

  2. Having had a great trip to China as a tourist, I've decided that I will follow your working holiday in case I need an excuse to return.

    Good luck to you all, safe journey and enjoy the experience.

  3. Rebecca Golightly18 February 2011 at 21:50

    Have a fantastic time in China, I am so jealous not to be going too. Shall be thinking of you everyday and will be keeping a close eye on your blog - have fun.
    Rebecca x

  4. Good morning everyone: "Jow - Sang - How!" It's Saturday and departure day! Just a quick message to wish all of our teachers a great trip to China! I know that Year 3 can't wait to hear about all of our adventures, especially if they involve pandas! Thank you to Year 3 who have been helping me to learn some key phrases in Mandarin and I hope that all of our teachers get a chance to try some out this week.

  5. The day is finally here!No doubt you are all doing your final checks and last minute packing!
    Good luck everyone - hope you have a wonderful time. I'll look forward to hearing more on your arrival and following your progress throughout the week.
    Mrs P x

  6. We've arrived!!!

    Hello everyone! Just to let you know that we've all arrived safely at the airport!!! In Birmingham of course!!! We're now just waiting for our gates to open so that we can check our bags in!! We're all very excited eager to get going!!
    I've been appointed food critic so expect my blogs to have a food theme running through them!! I've finished a fairly average cup of tea at the airport!!!
    Speak to you all soon!

  7. Hope you are having fun in China. James says look out for Kung Fu Panda, he's expecting Miss Harrington to bring back a photo of him. We are going to be very busy over half term too. I am going to Splash landings for my birthday and James is having a visit to the farm with William B. We are both very excited! Have fun :)
