
Follow the progress of ACE teachers Miss Butler, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Harrington and Mr. Golightly as they visit Wuhou Foreign Language School in China.

Monday, 21 February 2011

First day in school.

Leaving the hotel for our first day.

Wow! What a day. We had our first day in school today, (Monday) and it was absolutely incredible, for many reasons, not least the trip there! To say Chengdu traffic is chaotic, is probably the biggest understatement since Apollo 13 sent the message, “Houston, we have a problem!” (Kids, google it!) I think most car owners are in practice for Formula 1, and all motorbike owners are just plain crazy. Add a load of reckless Rickshaws and some suicidal pedestrians into the mix and you might just start to understand how bad it is!

Reckless Rickshaw.
We have also experienced a few technical difficulties with the blog, and technology in general, so this post will also include bits from Miss Harrington, Mrs. Thompson and Miss Butler. We have managed to get over most of the problems now, but bear with us if things are a bit slow getting through.
We also had a few problems with the cold today too, as Wuhou school has no heating! All children and staff wear their coats for lessons during the winter, and just put up with the cold! (No, I’m not joking)

Mr. Golightly.

From Miss Butler:-

A fascinating day observing lessons in our link Chinese school. All teachers loved joining in with a Calligraphy lesson, where they practised writing their names in Mandarin.
The children in the lesson were thrilled to receive a special Head Teacher’s Award each.

Miss Butler.
Miss Butler shares news with Wuhou teachers.

From Miss Harrington:-
Finally, my first blog!
After a very long journey we arrived safely in a very misty China! Jeff and Lara (teachers from Wuhou school) met us at the airport. The driving is quite scary, to say the least.
The school is very different from our school. We are so lucky to have heating, it was freezing in their school today. I will never moan about being too cold in class ever again! Everything is an experience though and I am drinking it all in.

I have been designated as fashion correspondent for the trip, so I will be commenting on new and interesting sights, so I will start with the fact that everyone wears a coat and warm clothes – even for lessons. The new fashion here is arm warmers. I have taken some photographs and will be looking to buy some – very soon!

So much more to see, but I am loving it so far!

Miss Harrington

From Mrs. Thompson:-
As the group food critic, I’ve been making a mental note of all the fabulous food we’ve had a chance to try.
We met for breakfast this morning in the hotel and were amazed by the huge variety, ranging from pastries and fruit, fish and vegetables to noodles, rice and broth.
We also had a fantastic lunch at school. The dining hall is huge and the children (and us) were served food in a metal tray. We had spiced beef and broccoli, served with butternut squash, rice and pak choi. We also had a cabbage soup that we had to drink from the bowl. The children from each class take it in turns to clear tables and our monitors were very keen, removing Mr. Golightly’s tray when he was only half finished!

Lunch - Chinese style.

We have been allocated a room at school where we can work from and also reflect on our day. A lovely selection of fruit had been left in there for us. Mr. Golightly, Miss Butler and Miss Harrington all tried a fruit called a ‘Dragon’s Eye’ and said it was delicious.

Mrs. Thompson


  1. It looks like you are all having a great time, and being well looked after despite the cold!! Maybe thats why you have soup and hot food at lunchtime, rather than packed lunch! Look forward to reading your next blog. Ali B

  2. Hi there
    relieved that you've all got there safe and sound though it sounds quite eventful! Can't believe you've got no heating - don't tell Liz or she'll be doing the same to save our budget!! It's really cold here just now and VERY grey.
    Love the photos - keep them coming.
    Teresa, our fashion correspondent - what do the ladies where there?? Apart from thick jumpers to keep warm!!!
    Looking forward to your next blogs. Take lots of care
    Susan xx

  3. How was the lunch, it looks really nice! Was your first day, I hope your enjoying yourself just as much as we are:)

  4. Hope you have even more fun over the course of the week (especially when you see the pandas)!Great to hear about the school, as well.

  5. Oops! Spent 'wear' wrong! Xx

  6. Hello to all in China!
    Wow, it sounds like you are having quite an experience! I have been away for a couple of days - staying at my parents where internet access is most definately not available (they're too scared to use a cash machine, let alone a computer), so I couldn't wait to log on and read the latest when I got home.
    Obviously hearing about your school experience is wonderful but I am particularly enjoying the food and fashion corresponence! Arm warmers?! I have to say that has made me laugh as I am having a vision of dancing to'Fame' upside down on hands!
    The food looks surprisingly good - not delved into your secret chocolate supply yet then?
    Anyway, have fun everyone and i'll look forward to reading more soon!
    Rachel x

  7. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week,those roads look scary I wouldn't like to go on them! - Joel Beedle

  8. It sounds like everything is going well and that you're all enjoying yourselves!
    The food sounds very healthy and nutritious. The traffic less good! It's been very dull and cold here, have you learnt many Chinese words or phrases? Is it true that the writing goes from right to left?
    What single one thing has had the most impact on you?

  9. Sounds like you're having a great time. Its misty here too. Looking forward to hearing about the sports at school. They must do lots to keep warm!

  10. sounds like you are havin fun, we all are very happy that you arrived there safely. Hope your second day was just as good as your first, the meal looked realy nice.

  11. wow what a day you have had

  12. Hi hope you having a good day (teachers and children) you all have such big smiles especially Mrs Thompson, I had to where sun glasses when i looked at the photo! Anyway have a good time in China. :) Also Mr Golightly you look so different is a suit! :D
